I hope you’re all bearing up ok. It’s been a very challenging time - lockdown, let out for summer, lockdown, let out for Christmas, followed by the possibility of a further lockdown in January. Thank goodness hope is on the horizon in the form of a vaccine. And thank God that in midst of this Brexit/Covid turmoil we have God - constant, steadfast, always with us.
Christmas is a wonderful reminder that God is our Rock, an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1), and the gift of His Son, Jesus, Emmanuel - God with us. I frequently reflect on the wise and foolish builders scripture (Matthew 7:24-27) reminding us to build our house on the rock - on the firm foundations of God’s Word. Our faith may be being tested, but it is also being strengthened. 

To help navigate Christmas, I’ve converted my Advent Bible resource Making Room for Jesus into an ebook. It offers 6 accessible, relatable, reflective Bible studies taking you through December and across into the New Year. It’s not too late to get started. There’s also an accompanying Making Room for Jesus spoken scripture and music album/MP3. Both are discounted in my shop at this time (£2.99 ebook, £4.99 MP3).

Those looking for something more light-hearted might enjoy my baking and cooking endeavours on my Comedy & Cupcakes Facebook page. We have lots of fun there. Baking is one of the things I find to be a great de-stressor at this time. Creativity is expansive - unlike lockdown or tier3. Plus I get to eat the results! 🍰 
🎄God bless you and your families this Christmas.
Liz x

Liz Babbs