
Top Tips

For ME & CFS Sufferers

  1. Stay in the NOW. Try not to dwell on all the negatives in your life. Also avoid projecting negatively forward or backwards. It’s doesn’t help. And none us know what the future holds anyway.

  2. Learn to meditate. Quality rest is crucial. I have resources to help you on this website, and in my shop. Learning to meditate is not as hard as you might think.

  3. Be kind to yourself. Beating yourself up over how you are, who you are, where you are, what you’ve done or might never do - is NOT healthy or helpful. Try to: LET IT GO. 💐

  4. Live within your energy limits and you’ll find, in time, that the chronic fatigue ‘walls’ begin to expand. If you keep pushing at the ‘walls’ trying to beat them, they will shrink in and you’ll be further constrained.

  5. Play the long game. Getting better from any chronic illness is a long process. So adjust your expectations and you’ll feel less frustrated.

  6. Breathe. Chronic fatigue is not just a battle of the body, but of the mind. Negativity can cause thoughts to spiral out of control. So take each moment at a time by practicing breathing techniques - (link to breathing techniques).

  7. Humour helps. Watch or listen to things that make you laugh. Laughter really is a tonic.

  8. Keep a daily gratitude journal. Small things matter, and can be so easily overlooked. So make a note of them. Even sunshine ☀️ can be a gift.

  9. Know you’re not alone. Countless others are struggling with health issues right now. Reach out to them through social media if you feel able. Knowing others are going through what you are is a great source of comfort and helps create community and breaks down the sense of isolation. Other people are also likely to have some useful tips.

  10. Don’t compare yourself with others. There are always other people who are in a better or worse situation than you, or whose health has improved or declined. You are uniquely you - loved and valued for who YOU ARE, not because you’re like someone else. When you compare yourself to others, you are devaluing yourself.

  11. Beware the ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’. “I ought to… “I should be able to…” These can become big sticks that you might beat yourself up with. Instead, think in terms of rewards and treats. Be kind to yourself - you deserve it.

When life’s a struggle, be kind to yourself.
— Liz Babbs